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Subsections on this page:

Bird Flu Hype - The Avian Flu - What They Aren't Telling You by: Dr. Sherri J. Tenpenny


You can join the Yahoo! Groups Slowandnovaxmoms group - This list is for parents and others who are looking at the issue of vaccinations and the dangers that are becoming more and more apparent.

See also:Effect of Breastfeeding On Immunity

Top Resources

On vaccination discussion lists, these seem to be the top-recommended resources:

The very best and concise and compelling source would be the book "Vaccines - are they really safe and effective?"

VRAN - Vaccine Risks Awareness Network  - links to lots of articles and other information sources

A User-Friendly Vaccination Schedule by Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD and An Update on this Vaccination Schedule

Vaccines: Are They Right For You? - a webinar by Miller and Tenpenny.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and an Amazing Vaccine Legal Victory…Del Bigtree’s Master Class on Vaccines and Autism – Part 1…By Kent Heckenlively, JD


Articles by Alan Phillips, J.D., Attorney and Counselor at Law from vaccinerights.com

First They Came for the Anti-Vaxxers by Bretigne Shaffer [4/23/15] - This excellent article from the Ron Paul Institute - I appreciate the somewhat lighthearted approach to the heavy subject of mandatory vaccination.  The charts showing the decline of measles BEFORE the introduction of the vaccine is a must-see.

Pediatrician's refusal to treat unvaccinated kids: Legal and ethical ramifications by Alan Phillips, J.D.

Vaccines and autism: a new scientific review (3/31/11)
By Sharyl Attkisson

"For all those who've declared the autism-vaccine debate over - a new scientific review begs to differ. It considers a host of peer-reviewed, published theories that show possible connections between vaccines and autism.
The article in the Journal of Immunotoxicology is entitled "Theoretical aspects of autism: Causes--A review." The author is Helen Ratajczak, surprisingly herself a former senior scientist at a pharmaceutical firm. Ratajczak did what nobody else apparently has bothered to do: she reviewed the body of published science since autism was first described in 1943. Not just one theory suggested by research such as the role of MMR shots, or the mercury preservative thimerosal; but all of them. . . . "

Predicting post-vaccination autoimmunity: Who might be at risk?
Soriano A1, Nesher G2, Shoenfeld Y3.
Pharmacol Res. 2015 Feb;92C:18-22. doi: 10.1016/j.phrs.2014.08.002. Epub 2014 Sep 30.

Vaccinations have been used as an essential tool in the fight against infectious diseases, and succeeded in improving public health. However, adverse effects, including autoimmune conditions may occur following vaccinations (autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants - ASIA syndrome). It has been postulated that autoimmunity could be triggered or enhanced by the vaccine immunogen contents, as well as by adjuvants, which are used to increase the immune reaction to the immunogen. Fortunately, vaccination-related ASIA is uncommon. Yet, by defining individuals at risk we may further limit the number of individuals developing post-vaccination ASIA. In this perspective we defined four groups of individuals who might be susceptible to develop vaccination-induced ASIA: patients with prior post-vaccination autoimmune phenomena, patients with a medical history of autoimmunity, patients with a history of allergic reactions, and individuals who are prone to develop autoimmunity (having a family history of autoimmune diseases; asymptomatic carriers of autoantibodies; carrying certain genetic profiles, etc.).

The Pandemic Response Project (PReP) is a volunteer organization founded by Vaccine Rights Attorney Alan Phillips, J.D.  PReP's primary goal is to reform emergency health laws that allow U.S. states, during a declared emergency, to mandate vaccines without exemptions, and to quarantine unvaccinated citizens in government facilities against their will, among other things.

Generation Rescue - AN INTERNATIONAL MOVEMENT OF PARENT-VOLUNTEERS HELPING MORE THAN 10,000 CHILDREN BEGIN BIOMEDICAL TREATMENT. -Our children are experiencing epidemics of ADD/ADHD, Asperger's, PDD-NOS, and Autism. We believe these neurological disorders ("NDs") are environmental illnesses caused by an overload of heavy metals, live viruses, and bacteria. Proper treatment of our children, known as "biomedical intervention", is leading to recovery for thousands.

Children on the autism disorder spectrum can recover!
Read this inspiring story written by Kathleen Sullivan, a mom who managed the recovery of her two sons.
And, yes, I'm bragging here, but this amazing mom is also my niece and goddaughter.  Go, Kath!

And, yes, vaccines are mostly safe, but if your child is one of the vulnerable ones, the next vaccination could ruin their health.
It's your responsibility to protect your children by educating yourself about this critical issue.
Don't let your pediatrician cow you into docile acceptance of a potentially damaging vaccination schedule.

A User-Friendly Vaccination Schedule by Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD - Vaccination is a controversial subject, and many parents worry about subjecting their children to them. Readers of my article "Mercury on the Mind," about vaccines and dental amalgams, have asked what vaccines I would recommend their children receive. This article addresses that question.

Dismissing the Family Who Refuses Vaccines - A Study of Pediatrician Attitudes
Erin A. Flanagan-Klygis, MD; Lisa Sharp, PhD; Joel E. Frader, MD
Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2005;159:929-934.

Results  Fifty-four percent faced total vaccine refusal during a 12-month period. Pediatricians cited safety concerns as a top reason for parent refusal. Thirty-nine percent said they would dismiss a family for refusing all vaccinations. Twenty-eight percent said they would dismiss a family for refusing select vaccines. Pediatrician dismissers were not significantly different from nondismissers with respect to age, sex, and number of years in practice. Pediatrician dismissers were more likely than nondismissers to view traditional vaccines (diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis; inactivated poliovirus; Haemophilus influenzae type b; measles, mumps, and rubella) as "extremely important," but they were no more likely to view newer vaccines (7-valent pneumococcal conjugate, varicella-zoster virus, hepatitis B) as "extremely important."

Conclusions  Pediatricians commonly face vaccine refusal that they perceive to be due to parent safety concerns. In response, many pediatricians say they would discontinue care for families refusing some or all vaccines. This willingness to dismiss refusing families is inconsistent with an apparent ambivalence about newer, yet recommended, vaccines. The practice of family dismissal needs further study to examine its actual impact on vaccination rates, access to care, and doctor-patient relations.

My Conclusions are that this is a helpful guide to the "essential" vaccinations if you want an easy guide to selective vaccination.

New Mercury-Free Vaccinations Contain Aluminum and Formaldehyde

Be truthful about vaccines or keep away from my children by Carmen Reid [Scotland on Sunday, UK - August 15, 2004]

"Instead of mercury, the new vaccination contains aluminium and formaldehyde, both known neurological toxins, held by some experts as equally responsible for autism. Just thought you’d like to know. "

Mindless Vaccination Bureaucracy By Michael Belkin - his Congressional testimony about his daughter's death and the power behind the extreme vaccination schedules should give every parent pause.

A User-Friendly Vaccination Schedule - an excellent article about selective vaccination.

Dr. Mercola's Favorite Vaccine Links Page

Parental Refusal to Vaccinate - The American Academy of Pediatrics has materials designed to help pediatricians badger parents into accepting treatments for their children that can harm them.  Parents who choose slow or no vax for their kids may benefit from reading what their doctors are reading.

How to talk to your doctor about following an Alternative Vaccine Schedule from Dr. Bob Sears

WAVE - World Association for Vaccine Education - novaccine.com

Generation Rescue is a parent-founded, parent-funded, and parent-led organization. Our mission is to share the truth with parents about the cause of their child’s developmental disabilities so they can focus on treatment.

Why You May Not Want to Vaccinate - Making An Informed Choice - this is a comprehensive site, with lots of links.

This site offers 3 Different Classes Online related to Vaccines, Vaccine Dangers & the Reality and Treatment of diseases with vaccines associated with them

IMMUNIZATIONS: A Second Opinion by Stephen C. Marini, M.S., Ph.D., D.C.

Multiple Causes of Autism Spectrum Disorders by Mark Sircus Ac., OMD of the The International Medical Veritas Association (IMVA)

Duration of Hepatitis B Immunity in Low Risk Children Receiving Hepatitis B Vaccinations from Birth [07/20/2004]
In this low-risk cohort, antibody to hepatitis B surface antigen disappeared by 5 years of age in most children who were vaccinated with hepatitis B vaccine from birth.

A Critical Look at Vaccination by Dr Patrick Quanten MD

Study Finds Genetic Link Between Autism, Vaccines - A preservative once common in inoculations affected only one strain of lab mice, possibly explaining the mixed results of past studies. [Los Angeles Times, June 9, 2004]

National Vaccine Information Center - www.909shot.com

The Most Dangerous Vaccines - The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program—run by the US Department of Health and Human Services—has released to The Memory Hole some statistics not available on the program's website.

These breakdowns show which vaccines have led to the most claims for injury and death from 01 Oct 1998 (the start of the program) to 10 Nov 2003.

Keep in mind that this doesn't represent all health problems caused by vaccines; these are only the cases in which the aggrieved parties filed claims with the government's vaccine program.

Update: For the government's database on adverse reactions to vaccines, head to http://www.medalerts.org/vaersdb/. It has 158,683 records from 1990 through the end of 2003.

Technical note: These sheets were supplied by the Dept of Health & Human Services in response to FOIA request HRSA 04-064, filed by Russ Kick.

Vaccines - from Dr. Lewis Mehl Madrona, author of Coyote Medicine - In this very comprehensive and extensive section on vaccines (feel free to jump to the "Quick Index" for the entire scope of this material) we hope to continually update you in a balanced manner regarding the many new studies and controversies regarding vaccinations and the possible risks involved, especially concerning developmental delays and neurometabolic disorders in children.

State Exemptions - RECOMMENDATIONS VS. LAWS: It is important for you to know the legal requirements of the vaccination laws in your state and to understand the difference between a legal requirement and a recommendation. While vaccine policymakers in the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommend that the MMR shot be given to all children, your state may legally require only measles and rubella vaccines. In this case, you have the legal option to vaccinate with only measles and rubella vaccines and not with mumps vaccine.

California State School Immunization Card and Exemption Statement

VaccinationDebate - this site has a particularly interesting web page, GRAPHICAL EVIDENCE SHOWS VACCINES DIDN'T SAVE US

Vaccines and Disease from Health Sentinel

Homeopathic Alternatives to Vaccination (possibly called nosodes)

Handbook of Homeopathic Alternatives to Immunizations - Susan CURTIS

PROPHYLAXIS IN HOMOEOPATHY - THE ORIGIN OF HOMOEO-PROPHYLAXIS, i.e. using homeopathy instead of vaccination

Vaccination, the Immune System and Homeopathy - The homeopathic alternative to vaccination

Vaccination Detox (Homeopathic) - Vaccination Detox is a homeopathic remedy designed to relieve symptoms that are caused by minor vaccination side-effects.

Here's a novel approach to the vaccination dilemma:  Vaccinate, but also give your child a homeopathic remedy designed to support the child's system through the vaccination process and recovery time:  Liddell Anti-Tox™ Vaccines

Some book recommendations:

Vaccination: The Issue of Our Times.  Edited by Peggy O'Mara  The most  comprehensive collection ever published challenging the conventional viewpoint on vaccination.

How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor by Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D.

The Vaccine Guide, Making an Informed Choice by Randall Neustaedter, OMD

Vaccinations, Social Violence and Criminality: Medical Assault on the American Brain by Harris Coulter, Ph.D.

Childhood Vaccination Questions All Parents Should Ask by Tedd Koren, D.C.

Why You May Not Want to Vaccinate - Making An Informed Choice

New Yorkers for Vaccination Information and Choice

Great summary of vaccination issues with a small section on "How Can Informed Parents Decide?" from Michel Odent, MD, based on studies from the Primal Health Research Centre databank.  You can also search their database for "vaccination".

Vaccinations from a Primal Health Research perspective


Congressional hearings on possible link between autism and vaccinations

I'm being driven out says second expert to link autism and jabs by Daniel Foggo [2/10/05]

The child psychologist Lisa Blakemore-Brown believes that her outspokenness has made her enemies in the pharmaceutical business and in the Government. A former government adviser who has controversially linked infant vaccines to autism in children claims she is the victim of a disciplinary action "witch-hunt".

WHALE  Vaccination resource

Do Vaccines Disable the Immune System? by Randall Neustaedter, O.M.D.

Thinktwice Global Vaccine Institute

Immunizations: Make an Informed Choice! - This page has a lot more links at the bottom.

Informed Parents Vaccination Home Page

Concerned Parents for Vaccine Safety - Educate before you Vaccinate!

Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)

An Abridged Version of a Good Analysis of the Immunization Issues

Vaccine Skepticism: Adverse Effects and Alternatives

10:15 PM ET 11/01/99

Some Babies More Prone To Measles

CHICAGO(AP) Infants whose mothers were vaccinated against measles inherit few natural antibodies and are far more likely to catch the virus than infants of older, unvaccinated mothers, according to a study released Monday.

The study confirms what public health officials anticipated when the vaccine was licensed in 1963, that the population would lose natural immunity to measles.

Researchers from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that unvaccinated infants of mothers born after 1963 were 7.5 times as likely to catch measles as unvaccinated infants of mothers born before 1963.

Findings appear in the November issue of Pediatrics, and researchers said they underscore the importance of getting babies vaccinated by 12 months of age.

Measles kills a million people worldwide each year, and public health officials want even better than the 90 percent U.S. immunization rate.

Measles once was a rite of passage in U.S. childhood _ at its peak in 1941, it infected 894,134 Americans and killed 2,279. Last year, only 100 cases were reported.

Having had measles leaves much higher levels of disease-fighting antibodies in the blood than being vaccinated. Before the vaccine, infants acquired significant antibodies from their mothers at birth, which protected them until the antibodies were depleted.

The logic in the above claims escapes me.  We know that very early vaccination of newborns causes problems.  We know that unvaccinated newborns are more susceptible if their mothers were vaccinated.  The conclusion I draw is that having vaccinated their mothers made them more susceptible, and that the vaccination program does not protect the most vulnerable segment of the population - newborns.

I will be more impressed with the research when the responsible scientists actually start paying attention to the factors that matter.  For example, what levels of immunity are conferred whether they are breastfed vs. bottle fed, and whether their mothers were vaccinated or unvaccinated.  It sounds to me as if the best way to protect newborns is for them to be breastfed and for their mothers not to have been vaccinated.  I wish they'd base their claims on science instead of the "vaccination religion".

This was shared on one of my Facebook groups:

My hubby and I went to M&M Meat Shop, to pick up something quick and easy for supper. There was an older gentleman in a suit there still deciding what he wanted so he said I could go first. The cashier lady had quite a bad cough and said she has had it for about 2 months now and so I asked her if she got that flu going around this year and told her about how sick I got from it this year. She said she hadn't and asked me if I got the flu shot. I laughed and said "I am probably the most anti-flu shot person you will ever meet." I then added on "I don't even vaccinate my kids anymore!"

I told her about what vaccines did to my daughter. She was very shocked and said "Good for you for not vaccinating any more of your kids, I never believed in those things."

She then pointed to the man in the suit and told me he is her friend and is a funeral director/embalmer here in town. She told him to tell me what he told her about what he knows about vaccines.

He started to tell me how he noticed almost 20 years ago, that he started to see a large increase of deceased old people during flu shot season and has had several of the deceased family members actually mention to him that their mother or father was doing fine until they had the flu shot and then took an immediate turn for the worst.

He then said that he knows damn well that he has had babies who had died from vaccines in there. He has been an undertaker for over 35 years and his father was a funeral director and passed his business on to him so he has been in and around the business his whole life. When he was young and was helping and being trained by his father, around 40 years ago, he said that crib death was EXTREMELY rare. It was so rare that his father had only ever seen 2 cases in his entire career and the babies were born sickly and had failure to thrive.

He noticed sometime in the 80's that it started to become quit common to get babies in there, who supposedly died of "SIDS". He couldn't understand why there was such a sudden increase in infant deaths. He started to put two and two together when he had a couple tell them that their baby was vaccinated just before she died and they knew that it was what caused their babies death. The next few times he had babies in their he had asked the parents if their baby was by any chance recently vaccinated and in every case they all said yes. He has never had a baby in there that was unvaccinated except for one that was a still birth.

I asked him if he has ever had a kid in there that died from polio, measles or chickenpox? He said neither him or his father have ever seen or heard of any other undertaker friends who have had a death related to any of those illnesses, even before there was vaccine for them.

He then told me that once he started looking into vaccines, he found that they include formaldehyde (the embalming chemical) as an ingredient, among many other equally as carcinogenic and neurotoxic ingredients.

I knew this already but it was still cool hearing it come from an undertaker who knows all about these chemicals and what effects they have on our bodies. He has never vaccinated his kids and his kids don't vaccinate his grand kids. Think about that for a second, he and his father had never seen a baby or kid that had died of polio, measles or chicken pox, even before they ever had a vaccine to "prevent" these illnesses. He HAS had babies in their who suddenly died directly and mysteriously after vaccines.

Parents, if you won't listen to us millions of parents who are speaking out, whose kids have been injured or killed from vaccines, please at the very least listen to the professionals who are speaking out about what they know and what they have seen with their own eyes. It is not normal for perfectly healthy babies to just die and it is not just a coincidence that babies are dropping in record numbers across North America in the most heavily vaccinated continent in the world.

We have exchanged mild childhood illnesses like the measles and chicken pox for the highest infant death rates, child obesity, seizures, and un-neurotypical children in the world. Don't be like us and have to learn the hard way. Research and learn now before you end up a with a child that will mentally stay a child their whole lives, that you be raising until the day you die or have a baby that you will have to needlessly bury. You can't go back once the damage is done and you will have to live with that everyday of your life.

Just because your kid seemed fine after their previous vaccines doesn't mean that they will be so lucky the next time. It is playing a game of Russian roulette with your child's life.

Doctors Who Truly Support A Parent's Right To Decline Vaccination For Their Children

Doctors Supporting Vaccine Choice from The Vaccine Machine

Find a Vaccine Friendly Doctor Near You from askdrsears.com

Archived list of Doctors reported to accept patients who do not vaccinate from vaclib.org

List of Vaccine Friendly Doctors State By State from community.babycenter.com

One Mom's Summary

[Ed.: This summary was posted on our local slowandnovaxmoms list.  It's the most thorough and thoughtful summary I've seen written by a parent.]

Below are a couple resources  that helped us develop an alternative vax schedule. We are no vax, but when we talk with family and friends, we say "alternative schedule" which seems to make the conversation productive. I also refer them to the sources below.

1) Book: The Vaccine Guide, by Randall Neustaedter.  For me, Neustaedter's book has really been my BEST recourse on the subject. He also gives lectures regularly so you can catch him in person and ask specific questions.  He wrote the book as a tool for parents to be educated BEFORE staring vaccinations. He suggests that learning is best (as does my pediatrician) and his approach made it easier for me to decide. Basically he  poses questions to consider for each vaccine:
    a) consider the risk of the disease
    b) consider the risk of the vaccine
    c) consider the risk of getting the actual disease

I liked his approach the best, because I could and decide for myself about each vaccine by considering these three questions. The format of the book is easy to follow and the summary for each vaccine helped me keep organized.  After reading his book it was clear to me that education (about each vaccine) was really the ONLY way to decide on the schedule and spacing. His Web site is cure-guide.com

2) A great article by Dr. Miller MD, offers an alternative schedule (at the bottom of the article):
his article also explains the dangers of vaccination on a babies immune system.

3) Another article from the Slow Vax group:
It is by a mom who thoroughly researched the issue when trying to decide whether or not she should vaccinate her child.

4) And the following is an online video (approx 90 min) featuring internationally known scientists and physicians with statistics and references on the vaccine issue: video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8610554679207090010
for statistics)

I would also agree that I'd recommend reading Dr. Sears' book, but I would NOT recommend the suggested schedule. After weighing the risks (vaccine, disease, chances of getting disease) I found that I disagreed with DR. Sears' recommended list.

I hope this helps.

Nutritional Support to Support Natural Immunity

These articles can be helpful for bossting the immune system:

How to Treat Colds by Randall Neustaedter OMD

Boosting Kids’ Immune Systems by Randall Neustaedter OMD

yipi! Randy Neustaedter You Tube videos

Regarding supplements and diet for health and natural immunity . . . Tetyana Obukhanych, PhD in immunology offers a four hour seminar all about the immune system, natural immunity, why breastfeeding is necessary, and how aluminum helps vaccines but harms the body. She cited a lot of research, some of which has come out only recently. I took a snap shot of one of her slides that sums up what to do for health of the immune system.  I'll summarize, however, I would suggest seeing her speak to get all the details and to really understand how these things help:

How to support your innate immune system:
A) Avoidance of exposure to immuno-depleting chemicals (such as pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, questionable food additives, etc)...she specifically cited a study on the harm of the natural additive carrageenan as well as pesticides

B) Adequate levels of nutrients with immunologic function (Vitamins A, C, D)...specifically fermented cod liver oil for A and D from greenpastures.org
C) Healthy gut flora (avoidance of unnecessary dosing with antibiotics)
D) Glutathione-boosting diet and avoidance of glutathione-depleting drugs...she specifically mentioned avoiding the drug tylenol...glutathione boosting foods are raw protein found in raw milk, raw egg whites, non-denatured whey powder, and raw garlic
E) Low-sugar diet

Also, following the suggestions of westinaprice.org for a whole foods diet.

There have been several posts recently about building a strong immune system in kids. You may want to view these videos about infant supplements, children's supplements, and immunity.

Pre- And Post-Vaccination Mitigation of Risk

Vaccinations By M. Wright of Perelandra - Preparation for receiving vaccinations, Within the first 10 minutes after receiving a vaccination, Post-vaccination support, Using the Perelandra process should you decide against vaccination

Said to be from toomanytoosoon.org:

If you have to vaccinate, give the following:

Vitamin A (cod liver oil) 1 tbsp for three days before and on the day of the shot.
Vitamin C 100 mg twice daily for infants and 300mg twice daily for toddlers for three days before and on the day of the shot.
(A followup message said: "I'm sure they meant vitamin C 1,000 mg and 3,000 mg.")

Sodium ascorbate is the best kind, and it can be mixed with breastmilk or formula.

I would check with a healthcare provider before doing this.

Here's a novel approach to the vaccination dilemma:  Vaccinate, but also give your child a homeopathic remedy designed to support the child's system through the vaccination process and recovery time Detox VaccinesLiddell Anti-Tox™ Vaccines


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