The website is provided courtesy of
Ronnie Falcao, LM MS,
a homebirth midwife in Mountain View, CA
An interactive resource for moms on easy steps they can take to reduce exposure to chemical toxins during pregnancy. Other excellent resources about avoiding toxins during pregnancy These are easy to read and understand and are beautifully presented. |
I have a survey questionnaire and have used it but have a hard time getting the moms to return it filled out. Here it is:
We do a really simple form that we also use for references for clients.
We do take suggestions for improvement into consideration.
One thing that helps with clients remembering the truth about the birth:
We give all our clients copies of their labor and delivery records. We
personalize them with who was present, who said or did what, along with
FHTs, BPs, positions, times, etc. We go over the records with them, usually
at the first pp visit. Women especially appreciate having a written record
as they can be in a surreal state while laboring.
Regarding the client satisfaction survey and our response to their responses: We have just recently begun using a post-partum questionnaire to help us with the MANA statistics form. We ask some questions that help us fill out the form, and some questions that are just for our use about how they feel about our care. So, in addition to questions like, "Did you do perineal massage with oil during the last trimester?" (MANA question), we also ask them what topics they wished were covered more thoroughly in class, and if they thought their prenatal visits were too long or too short. We also ask what they think are the strengths of our program and what they think would improve our care. Most of the responses have been very positive and fun to read, and those who had any suggestions for improvement were gentle and courteous with their comments. We include a SASE, but not everyone returns the evaluation.
So maybe we just get the good ones back. In all, it has been a positive
experience to get the evaluations and has also made the MANA form easier
to fill out.
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