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These are easy to read and understand and are beautifully presented.
I don't have a letter already composed to share, but I have written several
(handwritten small ones to governmental officials in Illinois). So I have
some ideas on how best to compose a letter. I'd like to offer them up in
the form of an outline.
Greeting and personal introduction
Say that you appreciate the teacher's concern
In response to that concern, you'd like to address the accuracy of the
information she's giving the kids.
Stats of homebirth safety
Journal articles references
recent BMJ that HIGHLIGHTED Homebirth
recent Lancet editorial and article that showed that home birthmidwives
need NOT be closely supervised by md's. [There is some great safety info
and links to those two medical journal on-line. You can reach them at Safety
of Homebirth]
Stats from Europe
Europe contains the countries with the LOWEST (best) infant and maternal
mortality rates, and MIDWIVES are the primary caregivers for approx. 70%
of all pregnant women
Many women (especially in the Netherlands) have home births, and that in
almost every country WITH BETTER BIRTH OUTCOMES THAN THE U.S. women are
legally allowed to, if not encouraged, to have homebirths
OB's in Europe are generally only consulted for medical problems or occasionally
during a birth (and often then the midwives still delivers the baby and
the ob is just on standby.
OB's are used so infrequently in most parts of Europe that they are hospital
based and do NOT have busy offices filled with healthy women. [see this
web page for an article by Marsden Wagner to reference the above Maternal
Mortality in the U.S.: Where are the Doctors? ]
Contrast now with the stats from the U.S. and maybe your state if you are
particularly low-ranked (Illinois is 47th in the U.S for infant mortality)
Quote Marsden Wagner and give his credentials [see this web page for his
credentials, an excellent quote and some more on his writings Witch
hunt or not? You decide ... ]
Unnecessary routine procedures during labor are so bad for mom and baby
and PROBABLY LEAD TO HORRIBLE BIRTH OUTCOMES [see this web page for for
a detailed outline with links to references that would take ages to type
out, but you can cut and paste anything you like from it Medical
interventions that can impede progression of natural spontaneous labor
You'll probably want to change the order, though to read more like: lack
of prenatal nutritional education, efm, unnecessary dilation checks, arom,
pitocin, epidural, lithotomy position, coached forced pushing, episiotomy]
Unnecessary routine newborn procedures and why they are HORRIBLE FOR THE
BABY AND MOTHER [see this web page for for a detailed outline with links
to references that outlines many newborn procedures and link to reverences
to Dr. Sprang (under Sprang's first listed quote "homebirth is the
earliest form of child abuse" )]
Conclude with your personal story (short version) and an invitation to
contact you with any questions.