
The gentlebirth.org website is provided courtesy of
Ronnie Falcao, LM MS, a homebirth midwife in Mountain View, CA


Diagnosis Codes for Lactation and Newborn Feeding Problems

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Additional Lactation/Nursing Diagnoses - MOTHER

Nipple/Areola Problem
676.14 - Cracked/Fissured
692.9 - Dermatitis Contact
676.04 - Dimpled/Folded/Creviced
676.34 - Flat
675.9 - Infection (unspecific/Thrush)
676.04 - Inverted (Retracted)
676.34 - Sore Nipples
676.3 - Trauma or Ulceration
676.34 - Unusual Shape
Breast Problem
676.3 - Breast Pain
692.9 - Dermatitis Contact
676.9 - Disorder of Lactation
676.8 - Galactocele
757.6 - Hypoplasia of Breast
611.72 - Mass(es)/Lump(s)
Engorgement, Breast
676.20 - After the Perinatal Period
676.24 - Perinatal, Moderate/Severe
675.14 - Breast Abscess
675.04 - Filled Duct
675.20 - Non-Purulent Infection
675.24 - Plugged Duct
675.14 - Purulent Infection
Milk Supply
676.44 - Agalactia (No Milk)
676.64 (Galactorrhea)
676.8 - Polygalactia (Over Supply)
676.54 - Suppressed (Reduced)
676.50 - Induced (Adoption) (v61.29)
676.54 - Relactation

Additional Lactation/Nursing Diagnoses - NEWBORN

Breastfeeding Problem
783.21 - Abnormal Weight Loss
775.5 - Dehydration Newborn
783.41 - Failure to Gain Weight
779.3 - Newborn Feeding Problem (Breast Refusal, Latch-on Difficulties, Regurgitation of food, Slow feeding, Vomiting, Other)
783.3 - Infant Feeding Problem (Breast Refusal, Latch-on Difficulties, Mismanagement of feeding, Other)
783.6 - Polyphagia - Overeating
783.2 - Under weight
Sucking Problems
796.1 - Suck Reflex Abnormal
Jaundice (V12.3)
774.39 - Breastmilk Jaundice
774 - Newborn - Physiologic
774.2 - Newborn - Premature
Abnormal Fussiness/Colic
777.8 - Newborn - Colic
789.0 - Infant - Colic
780.59 - Sleep Disturbances Infant
691.0 - Diaper Rash
693.1 - Due to Food
691.8 - Eczema
771.7 - Thrush - Newborn
112.0 - Thrush - Infant
750.0 - Ankyloglossia - Tongue Tie
530.18 - GEReflux-NoInflam(V12.70)
530.11 - GEReflux-Inflam(V12.70)
750.15 - Macroglossia (V12.40)
750.16 - Microglossia (V12.40)
520.7 - Teething Syndrome

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