
The gentlebirth.org website is provided courtesy of
Ronnie Falcao, LM MS, a homebirth midwife in Mountain View, CA


Dutch Obstetrical Protocols

Easy Steps to a Safer Pregnancy - View e-book or Download PDF - FREE!
An interactive resource for moms on easy steps they can take to reduce exposure to chemical toxins during pregnancy.

Other excellent resources about avoiding toxins during pregnancy

These are easy to read and understand and are beautifully presented.

The "Dutch Obstetrical Guidelines" and some other in The Netherlands issued obstetrical documents are available in English.

While the version in Dutch is for free the NOV sells the English translation of this interesting document.

The following documents are available, in English, at the secretary of the Dutch Midwifery Organization (NOV) and will be mailed to you after paying the required fee to: NOV Secretary General, Rembrandtlaan 44, 3723 BK Bilthoven, The Netherlands; account: 4001561.

  1. 'Dutch Obstetrical Guidelines' - Tool that fits the obstetrical system in The Netherlands and that has a major impact on the relations of the professionals involved in obstetrical care and thus on the profile of the midwives and on the options for clients/patients. 20 Gulden; 25 Gulden outside The Netherlands - Request: "Vertaling Verloskundige Indikatielijst"
  2. 'Professional profile' Who is allowed to bear the title "Midwife" in The Netherlands and what does this entail regarding authority, co-operation and ethics? 15 Gulden; 17,5 Gulden outside The Netherlands - Request: "Vertaling beroepsomschrijving"
  3. 'Curriculum of elementary midwifery education' - What is considered as elementary for midwives who train and head to work principally in The Netherlands? 40 Gulden; 45 Gulden outside The Netherlands - Request: "Vertaling curriculum"
[ 1 Gulden = 0,5 Euro = $ 0,5US = 19 Bfr ]

(Valuta rates vary from day to day. Check out rates at your nearest exchange office)

This Web page is referenced from another page containing related information about General Prenatal Care


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